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United States of America

Red Ensign of Great Britain 1776–1789 Flag of the United States
Flag Coat of arms
In God We Trust
Location of United States
Capital New York
Government Republic
President of the United States in Congress Assembled
- 1788-1789 Cyrus Griffin
Legislature Congress of the Confederation
July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence
November 15, 1777 Articles of Confederation
September 3, 1783 Recognized
September 17, 1787 Constitution of the United States
March 4, 1789 Federal Government under the Constitution
Currency United States dollar
Red Ensign of Great Britain British America United States Flag of the United States

The United States of America was declared as independent by representatives of Thirteen Colonies in British America assembled to the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Before adopting the current constitution on June 21, 1788 the country was governed under the Articles of Confederation which had been drafted in 1776. The head of state was the President of the Congress of the Confederation, also referred to as the United States in Congress Assembled.

President of the United States in Congress Assembled

  • Cyrus Griffin () (January 22, 1788 - March 4, 1789)


American Polities

Neighbouring Nations

